Behind The Brand

Heyyy its your girl Jessica Modupè.

I am the owner of Modupe’s Vinti Palace
First let me start off by saying thank you for being here, it means alot to me if you've gotten this far.

Ok let me give you a brief intro about myself. I am a GOD fearing woman, a daughter, a sister, a wife to be (let’s speak that into existence) a auntie, cousin, friend, etc. I am a wig maker along the side of a fashion/thrift lover. I've been thrifting with my mom since I was in middle school, going to different flea markets, pop ups shops, alley ways everywhere! So I’m not new to the industry at all. I just decided to jump out on faith & take it serious.

I love making people mainly women feel good about themselves. I feel like us as women get criticized & put down so much in life already. It’s almost like we continuously have to prove our worth to people. Ion’t like that (in my young miami voice)😭

To those who aren't aware, I lost my best friend my world my rock my rider my cheerleader, my mother to cancer on July 7th 2022. I just felt like life was over for me & that it wasn’t even worth living or existing anymore. My heart really broke that day. She was my everything & more. Going through all of her clothing when she passed made realize how bomb my mother use to dress & style her hair. I mean baby gurrrrl had some real style hunny! She was fly fly. She always told me that I reminded her of herself back when she was my age because of how I loved to dress & style my hair now. I feel like as I was going through my depression as well as grieving, her wardrobe just made me so happy & it gave me life. I could feel her spirit through them. I mean brand new stuff I've never seen or wore before. This may sound a tad bit weird but I would put on her clothes smell them & just lay there on her bed. Dressing up gave me so much life & hope. As I got closer to God in 2022 I felt like he was giving me a vision this whole entire time while healing me. I just wasn’t listening, but then it all started to make so much perfect sense.

Soooooo… then I birthed my business
“Modupe’s Vinti Palace” on November 2, 2022.
Everything about the name just felt so right. It was like my mom was here next to me pushing me through it all. Her line to me was always
" you can do it mommy go with faith ". Modupè means give god thanks & that’s exactly what I do every single day. I thank God for continuously giving me strength each & every day. My father gave me the Nigerian name. 

My mission behind 
“Modupe’s Vinti Palace” well... I want my brand to be way more then just fashion & thrifting. My goals are to uplift women and make them see how beautiful they really are inside & out. The clothes are just a bonus. But it’s really all about what’s inside of you? I am here to help you with that, as well as drop some dope vintage & modern items immediately after duhh!!!

I am also here to inspire & let people know that even in the mist of the storm, even in those dark times, those dark days where you just don’t see a way out of it KEEP GOING!! Trust & believe in GOD! always seek him & I promise you that he will see you through it. Diamonds are made under pressure
💪🏾 we got this!
I love y’all for FREE thanks for reading❤️ Now go & shop sis!!!!